Karnataka Jesuits

Vidyaniketan Scholasticate, Dharwad

Vidyaniketan, ‘an abode of knowledge’ is a study house for Jesuit Scholastics of Karnataka Province in formation. This house is located in Dharwad for a special purpose. The formation given here embraces not only the academics but also the other areas of spiritual and social life, particularly in introducing the scholastics to the life and culture of north Karnataka region. Extending this openness further we involve ourselves in other activities such as Inter-Religious Dialogue, pastoral ministry, social outreach programmes, slum living, youth ministry, weekly ministry to old age home and Remand home, thus, practicing the Ignatian Charism of Greater Glory of God through the ‘Service of Faith and Promotion of Justice’. Presently there are 18 enthusiastic scholastics there guided by Fr Prashanth A and Fr. John Gomes.


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